Professional Salary Information

  • By Andrew Sirianni
As part of the redeveloped Jobs4Careers website, we have included PayScale salary resources that allow site users to research salaries by job type and location throughout Australia. PayScale is an online salary, benefits and compensation information company which launched its services in 2002.

Its services allow people to obtain accurate real-time information on job market compensation. Because of its large sample size, the company claims it is able to use the volume of information statistically to determine accurate real-time salary information.

The benefit of this service is that we provide salary estimates based on actual salaries paid in the workforce. We are not providing estimates based on salaries offered in our advertisements.

So why have we used this PayScale tools on our website? As a job seeker, you can use the PayScale tools to identify likely salary ranges of the jobs on offer. In cases where the salary has been specified, use the calculator to identify if the range offered is consistent with the market in that region. Otherwise, the calculator can form a good basis for estimating what the likely salary would be for that position.

As an employer, if you have consistently provided great salary packages, now is the time you can be recognised for paying above market rates. Job seekers will be able to see that your salary offering is greater than the market and hence will place a greater value on your employment.

This is another way that Jobs4Careers is providing leading job/career tools to the pharmacy industry. Register today and start finding out why over 500 qualified pharmacy users are using our site each day. Registration is free, and with job listings costing $50 for the life of the advertisement, you can't lose.

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